So, let me introduce this a little...
I've been passing some of my time exposing what little knowledge I have via the medium of the website Quora. On this site, people ask questions, and others answer.
Simple! - but, in order that the site maintains an air of decorum, they moderate (quite heavily) based on a rule referred to as BNBR.
Be Nice, Be Respectful
Again, that's quite simple, some would say sensible.
I find it utterly futile pandering and simpering to idiocy the site is littered with infantile and often deliberately 'troll' questions, such as "if the Earth is flat why is the sky blue?" There are many 'flat Earth' questions. And many other questions which are puerile in nature.
I find it to be utterly redundant being nice, and certainly being respectful to people that I see as either being willfully ignorant (a trait which I personally find to be quite heinous) or blatantly malicious - attempting to bait others (to cause distress) or waste their time.
In what world should I 'be nice; to someone who seeks to deliberately (or casually) make life harder for others.
Fuck them...
For every question I see with a ridiculous or offensive notion I say; FUCK THEM.

The people that genuinely invest their time, their knowledge and experience, those people deserve more respect than is given... those people deserve to not be plagued by trolls and nonsense.
I have absolutely no problem with a genuine question, one born of genuine enquiry, I'd likely go to excess in order that I might help such a person with such a question.
But I have to toe the line when I see questions like "how can you prove X god isn't real when the moon landings never actually happened!"
To those people... I want to say a big, FUCK YOU
Let me make clear that I will not be nice if I consider that your intention is malicious
Let me make clear I shall not be respectful if you lack the decency to respect others
Some ideas, some questions, deserve being disrespected, deserve that they should be called out as stupid, as idiotic and not given the same weight of importance as others.
</rant /vent>