Spent some time streaming today, I keep hoping that perhaps 'someone' ... anyone... will give me some money pity for my efforts.
If you have any interest in a casual gamer with only marginal skill and zero personality then oh boy have I got the Twitch channel for you!
Visit me (on the very unlikely occasion that I am streaming) at my channel:
I've spent some time making it more, well, I want to say "professional" - but that's a bit of hypocrisy really, I'm not professional in any way. Anyhoo, I've updated a donation partner thing so I can alerts and notifications while streaming (if anyone ever donates anything...) and I've made a graphic overlay for my webcam thing just because A: I could, B: I wanted to and C: why the fuck not.
Common games will include-
- Ghost Recon Wildlands
- Killing Floor 2
- Mechwarrior Online
- Factorio (I know right, the most dull game to watch...)
- & other crap I'm interested in.
Today's picture (because that's a thing now...) is this 3d printed Ghostbusters logo. It was made for me before the 'new' movie was released so it's intended in good faith and memory of the original movies, which I loved.
All thanks to my estranged acquaintance Mr Steve C.
There's no reason I'm posting this other than I think it's pretty damn cool, thanks Steve.